Exhibition News: Retrospective of Irving Kriesberg (Taipei)

The Estate of Irving Kriesberg is pleased to announce that “Animal Figures and His Realm: A Retrospective of Irving Kriesberg” opens tomorrow, August 17th, 2018 at Galerie Grand Siecle in Taipei, Taiwan. An opening reception will take place Friday, August 17, 2018 at 6:00pm and the exhibition will be on view from August 17 to September 7, 2018 .

艾爾文•克里斯伯格 |《動物、肖像與他的王國

開幕時間: 五, August 17, 2018 at 6:00pm
展覽時間: August 17 - September 7, 2018 . “A generous spirit has entered his work, in the form of richer color and a more relaxed attitude to composition...Kriesberg’s work has always been dense with shapes and hard to describe; it is no less complex with its combinations of symbols, patterns, and actual representations, but it now seems to have zest...” -Arts Magazine, February 1965. 「豐富的活力以大量厚實的色彩以及更輕鬆的姿態呈現在他的作品裡……畫面中那些難以用言語形容的密集姿態,由象徵性的符號、圖像以及真實畫面所組合而成,畫面複雜同時熱情滿溢。」 - Arts Magazine,1965/2 . .

Close Quarters, 1974, oil on canvas, 44 x 36 in / 111.76 x 91.44 cm. Photo by Paul Takeuchi

Close Quarters, 1974, oil on canvas, 44 x 36 in / 111.76 x 91.44 cm. Photo by Paul Takeuchi